
Verifying a Request

To make sure the webhook is sent by Stasis, we sign it with the HMAC algorithm.

To verify the webhook sender:

  • Get a webhook X-Api-Sig header value and payload as it is, without any alteration or converting to JSON.

  • Receive the HTTP webhook body in bytes.

  • Calculate the digest with the raw webhook payload in bytes and sha512 HMAC algorithm using a secret key(provided upon webhook creation).

hmac.new(b'secret', b'body', digestmod=hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
  • Compare the X-Api-Sig header value with the calculated digest.

Response Codes

In case your server responds with any 2XX HTTP code, notification is considered delivered.

Example of API


python -c 'import hmac, hashlib; print(hmac.new(b"your secret", b"your http body", digestmod=hashlib.sha512).hexdigest())'